Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

Jack Russell Terrier

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 10:37 AM PDT

A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

Have made a start on a new coloured pencil portrait of a very lively, so I'm told, Jack Russell Terrier. So lively that she wouldn't stay still long enough to be photographed and ended up having to be held in the end. Even so I think the resulting photo is full of character and hope I can portray this in the finished portrait. Love her name too, Flea – seems just perfect for her somehow.

Moving onto the Dutch Auction - there are currently three drawings still available for purchase and they are 'Focused', now down to £140; 'Eye Contact', down to £85 and 'Inquiring Mind' at £150. As always, if you would like details or are interested in any of the above please email me.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures


Posted: 23 Aug 2011 01:43 AM PDT

Coloured Pencil, 38cm x 28cm
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

It has taken me a lot longer than I thought it would to do but I'm pleased to say the Pointer is now finished and I don't even feel the need to tweak bits here and there – and I have looked! All going well she will be making her way to the US by the end of the week. Another drawing I will be sad to see go but really happy to have had the opportunity to do.

Quick auction update now. If you have been following this you will know that prices have dropped another £20 on all drawings. 'Focused' is now £160; 'Eye Contact', £105; 'Inquiring Mind', £170 and 'Morgan', £70. This is the last chance you will get to purchase 'Morgan' (below) at this price as next week it will be removed from the auction and remain on my website at the original price of £250. A reminder of the other drawings available and which is which can be seen here.


Coloured Pencil, 32cm x 18.5cm
(With mount: 46cm x 31.5cm)

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

Pointer update

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 10:43 AM PDT

Pointer, Stage 4
A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

Making slow progress on the Pointer but I am getting there and not panicking (yet) about getting it finished in time. It's very much been a portrait where I have jumped around doing bits here and there, going back and forth over various areas building them up but not quite finishing them and continually moving around the drawing in this way. This is typical of the way I work and more often than not will do a drawing this way rather than finish one area to completion before moving onto the next (though I am known to do this also dependant on how I feel at the time). So why tell you this? I've had a few people ask if I can explain my process and while I'm more than happy to do this I'm left questioning if I have a process or method as such and have therefore been giving it a lot of thought while working on the Pointer, trying to think how I can break what I do down. There would certainly be a lot of stages:) Even if I can include more in-progress shots and let you know what has been done, colours used, etc. It has been duly noted anyway.

Pointer, Stage 3
A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

Auction news now with it being Monday. Prices on all available drawings have been dropped by another £20 which means 'Focused' is now £180, 'Eye Contact', £125, 'Morgan', £90 and 'Inquiring Mind', £190. If you would like details on any of these drawings please drop me an email.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

German Shorthair Pointer

Posted: 10 Aug 2011 12:38 PM PDT

German Shorthair Pointer, Stage 2
A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

Still playing catch-up, so apologies for the late post. Going to jump straight in with Dutch Auction news to start with – 'Intrigue', I'm delighted to say, has been sold and is therefore no longer available leaving 'Focused' (£200), 'Eye Contact' (£145), 'Morgan' (£110) and 'Inquiring Mind' (£210) up for the taking. Prices have dropped another £20 and I know there are a few interests and people following so don't leave it too late and perhaps lose out if interested in a piece.

Drawing board news now (very quickly) and a couple of in-progress images of what I'm currently working on. It's a coloured pencil drawing of a gorgeous German Shorthair Pointer with lots still left to do. Busy, busy, busy:)

German Shorthair Pointer, Stage 1
A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

Just quickly ......

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 06:12 AM PDT

Pencil, 25.5cm x 21.5cm
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

Monday again! I had hoped to have some in-progress shots of the drawing I'm currently working on to show today but it's still in the early stages. Time hasn't been on my side unfortunately so not as much drawing getting done as I'd like. Going to lock myself away for the rest of the week to catch up.

Drawings in the Dutch Auction have dropped another £20 today which means Intrigue (above) is down to £190; 'Focused', £220; 'Eye Contact', £165; 'Morgan', £130 and 'Inquiring Mind', £230. You can see all drawings and how the auction works here.