Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures


Posted: 27 Jan 2011 10:21 AM PST

Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2011

With so much going on in my life just now, I don't like to plan too far ahead as more often than not something gets in the way of any I make therefore best to say that, all going well, it is my intention to spend the next few months working on various drawings of the horse. Hopefully I will have a drawing or two I am happy with for the SEA Exhibition in August. This is an exhibition I've thought about entering work to for the past couple of years but haven't for one reason or other. Want to make more of an effort this year with exhibitions and shows – no excuses this time!

On my drawing board just now are two horses in a Point-to-Point race and up to this stage I have thoroughly enjoyed working on it. It has been one of those drawings where I have struggled to put the pencil down when other things have needed doing, wanting to finish another part first, then another, and another. But as is nearly always the case when I've been working on a drawing for a long time I reach a 'boredom stage' nearing the end and can struggle to find the motivation to work on it. I find a short break away from it or working on something else helps to get the motivation back. I'm on the home stretch with this drawing now although lots of fiddly, time-consuming bits still left to do.

Copyright Laura Hardie 2011
My thanks to Sarah Clegg for allowing me to use her photograph

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