Rabu, 03 April 2013

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures


Posted: 03 Apr 2013 09:19 AM PDT

Currently without a title!
15''x 7'', graphite pencil on Mellotex paper
Copyright Laura Hardie 2013
Please do not use without permission

Sitting here typing this post and the sun is shining which is such a welcome sight after all this awful weather we've been having recently – Spring might yet be on its way after all! What is it about the sun that makes facing the day that much better. Even my huge, never ending to-do list doesn't look daunting and is more than doable and I can fit in some sun time with Bella. Don't know why I have an urge (and it's a big one) to do some baking though – that is not like me at all.

I've been working on a few drawings, this thoroughbred horse being one of them. I photographed her at Musselburgh Racecourse cooling off after a race and waiting to be washed down. The Thoroughbred truly is a beautiful animal and don't think I'll ever tire of drawing them. I loved getting lost in all that muscle and form while ignoring everything else around me. Still need to come up with a title and always seem to struggle with this bit - will give it more thought.

Now what shall I bake ……….

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