Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

Still working but ........

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:28 AM PDT

22cm x 33.5cm, pencil on Mellotex paper
Copyright Laura Hardie 2013
My thanks to Francesca Morrison for allowing me to use her photo

I'd be a terrible boss so I would, or a great one depending on how you look at it, first bit of sun and I'd have everyone out enjoying it. Which is exactly what I've been doing lately, my reasoning being that this could be it, this could be our summer so best make the most of it. And it is so good to have some sun at last, thought it was never coming. Thankfully the nights are long and it's getting dark late so I can make up my drawing time in the evenings. My camera is often out with me during the day so really I am still working in a way, she says convincingly.

I'm working on a commission just now that I can't share just yet, end of June hopefully. But I did finish the horse from a couple of posts back and can show this. I'm really happy with how this drawing turned out and had intended entering it into a show later in the year but, I'm delighted to say, it has been sold. And I couldn't be happier with where it is going. Still need to come up with a title though, something else to think about in the sun tomorrow perhaps ;)

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