Senin, 16 September 2013

Animal Art Adventures

Animal Art Adventures

Finished foals

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 01:46 PM PDT

32cm x 24cm, Pencil on Mellotex
Copyright Laura Hardie 2013

Feeling restless on the art front! I have an urge to paint but can't decide on watercolour, acrylics or oils. I also want to do some pastel work using Pan Pastels - have actually given into this urge and started something with them which I'll share soon. Then there is inks, collage and mixed media I'd love to play around with if I could find the time. Definitely feeling inspired and in need of a change I think. Still love my pencils but my drawings take sooo long to finish and it would be nice to have something quicker to work on in between. So watch this space.

Finished the foals and if you saw my last post may notice that I cropped the original composition - thought it worked better. 'Foalmates', as it is now called, is for sale, please email if interested. 

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